Sunday, March 20, 2011

Nicknames Files (How To)

In the new version of Bingomatic you can create your own file with nicknames for the numbers, and then just placing it in a folder called 'Bingomatic' in your SD card you can use it by selecting in the preferences.

The file that you create has to be a simple 'txt' with the next structure:
  • You have to write one number and its nicks for line
  • You don't have to write all numbers, just the ones you want to associate to a nick
  • You will write first the number, and after that the nicks separated for the character '-'
  • You have to write at least one nick for the number you write. If you put more, in each game will be used one randomly.
  • Don't write anything but the numbers, the separators (-) and the nicks.
  • An example of a line with the number 24 and two nicks of it:
  • 24-This is the nick1-And this is the nick2
Here you have two links to the files with the nicks that are included in the app:
English nicknames
Spanish (60-79)
Take a look, and if you have any doubt ask me, here in the comments or by email as you prefer.

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